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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

Welcome to the #dominoforever Product Ideas Forum! The place where you can submit product ideas and enhancement request. We encourage you to participate by voting on, commenting on, and creating new ideas. All new ideas will be evaluated by HCL Product Management & Engineering teams, and the next steps will be communicated. While not all submitted ideas will be executed upon, community feedback will play a key role in influencing which ideas are and when they will be implemented.

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Pinned ideas

PINNED Domino Intelligence / Domino IQ
Adding AI to a Domino server Please add comments that tell us what use cases you would have for AI available from Domino. Here are some examples to get you started: Summarise long email threads Reply to email with AI Translate the email thread Hig...


Showing 2431


want restriction on users that user should able to authenticate on server once at time. In short User should not able to open multiple session on server at time from different Machines. Currently User can log on to the server from multiple locatio...
over 6 years ago in Domino / Security 1 No Plans to Implement

Disable OutOfOffice responses if mails are addressed to a group address

Notes has the option "Do not notify me if recipients are running out of office" . But:This option does not exist if the mail sender use other mail programs or is 'outside'. -> The domino router replace the group name (e.g. with all gro...
over 6 years ago in Domino / Administration 1 Under Consideration

Buy intelliview and add reporting to domino

Synaptris has a great product. Buy them and incorporate!
almost 3 years ago in Domino / Reporting & Analytics 1 No Plans to Implement

When copying tables from excel, borders are not being copied on iNotes

Can the border be also copied.
over 5 years ago in Domino 1 Assessment

any new tools or coex-server for migrating from o365/exchange to domino .

I know may migration tools are there over internet . but is there any new HCL too for faster & easier migration tool for O365/Exchange to Domino . As per me -for customer . after licence cost next one is migration.. migration is the biggest ...
over 5 years ago in Domino / Administration 1 Planning to Implement

Error with the return path in the email header

The Mail-In database has the sending domain "". The user that sends the mail has the sending domain "". So the From address is "" and the return-path domain is "". This behaviour seem...
11 months ago in Domino / Security 2 Needs Clarification

Provide some way to choose output minidump or full dump when a crash occurs

When Domino encounters a crash, it will output NSD log and a minidump. One of our customer wishes HCL could provide some way to choose to output a minidump or full dump when crash occurs. Please consider to implement this request in future release.
11 months ago in Domino / General 1 Needs Clarification

Could Lotus Domino limit a specific group users to use POP3 and webmail services?

Customer wish to provide HTTP (webmail/iNotes) and POP3 access to specific list of users & other should be restrict to access this services. Just like we have an option for the Traveler. We have an existing SPRs in the SPR database as, Enh...
over 5 years ago in Domino / Administration 2 Needs Clarification

RegisterNewUser class to support Verse only users

Currently we use the RegisterNewUser class to register new users. We have users who are only using the Verse client for email. When we register the users with this process, the Calendar Profile document is not getting created, and thus the users a...
over 3 years ago in Domino 0 Under Consideration

Restricting users to authenticate on a certain database

Customer has 2 DA's set up on their server. One of this DA's, has users they want to authenticate, and within this file duplicate shortnames similar to another DA entry they do NOT want to authenticate. They also wanted to limit access to a certai...
almost 2 years ago in Domino / Administration 2 Needs Clarification