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DNEXT-441 (investigate)
I would like to upload files to IBM Connections etc. using something like the sample shown above. However, uploading files larger than 64 KB will be damaged. There is a reply from support that it is a language restriction and it can not be implemented.
I would like you to ease this restriction to the extent that you can handle files of real size.
I would be happy if I could natively upload files of real size using HTTP POST method from LS.
You might not be able to use the XMLHTTP object on a mobile device, instead you should be using the new LotusScript classes which allow HTTP get/put/post requests natively from LS. Furthermore it needs to be questioned if the LS methods for accessing the camera will return a file on disk or if it will represent a new object by itself that you can use to use in conjunction with the HTTP post method.
One limitation of LotusScript is an array boundary.
It shows with simple code.
Dim stream as NotersStream
Dim xhr as Variant
Const url = "https://hogehoge.com/uploadTarget"
Const filepath = "size_gt_64kb.pdf"
Set stream = ss.Createstream()
stream.Open filepath, "binary"
Set xhr = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
xhr.Open "POST", url, False
xhr.send stream.read
"stream.read" returns an array of bytes.
However, since LotusScript has limitations on array boundaries, if the size of the file to be read is less than 64 KB, you can upload normally, but if the size exceeds 64 KB, the file will be damaged. I think that it is an array boundary limitation, but it may be a limitation of NotesStream class.
As a future enhancement, I heard that LotusScript classes are planned for accessing the device's camera and posting on http. However, the image taken with the camera of the latest device will be larger than 64 KB.
I'd like to upload pictures taken with the device to the website, but if you do not extend the current restrictions it will not be possible with LotusScript alone.
Sorry, don’t understand. What is the relation between the camera and the limit on an array? And an array handling files?