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EditInsertSignature command needs optional prompt

Many cases (contracts, inspections, applications) require multiple signators, usually committing to a single version of a document. They sign one after the other, as a single atomic action.

We have such a case where multiple signatures are displayed in the final document along with the names of the signators, so we need to match up each signature with the correct signator's name.

To avoid any confusion, we need the signator's name displayed in the signature capture dialog. To do this, the EditInsertSignature needs another parameter to allow for some optional prompt to be displayed. Then the developer can use this parameter to include the name of the signator (or some other prompting text) to be displayed in the signature dialog, above the signature canvas.

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    • Guest
      Sep 30, 2024

      As I'm reading this entry, I'm thinking that a more detailed explanation might help to move it from the "Needs Review" status to "Under Consideration" or beyond. So, I've attached screenshots which might clarify the requirement.

      On our Inspection form, two Signatures are required... one by the "Person in Charge" and a second by the "Inspector"... see attached "Inspection form Signature Capture.jpg"

      The Nomad system currently supports the ability to create 2 signatures, which is great. However, it would be nice to add an optional parameter to allow us to display the signatory names above the signature canvas. This would ensure that the Users sign in the correct sequence, and result in the Signatures appearing above the correct names.

      For example, our application currently displays the names of the parties within their respective signature capture screens. The second attachement "Individual Signature Capture windows.jpg" displays the individual signature capture screen side by side. Of course they are actually displayed individually... this is just to illustrate how each person can clearly see who should be signing when.

      I hope this helps... plse let me know if there is any more information required.

    • Guest
      Sep 6, 2024

      The Ideas Portal is a great tool... with one small shorcoming. After an Idea is submitted, the "Status" can be somewhat slow to change, which leaves the submitter in the dark as to when/if the idea will be omplemented. This idea was submitted on July 3, 2024, and has been listed as "Needs Review" ever since. I appreciate how busy everyone is, but it would be nice to have an occasional update as the Idea works it's way thru the process.

      Thx for your consideration.

    • Guest
      Jul 15, 2024

      I think there was already a suggestion to support multiple signatures.

    • Guest
      Jul 3, 2024

      This is an extension of a Nomad Forum post, which was completed...

      There needs to be two succesive Signature captures taken as seen in the attached illustrations, one by Joe Blow and one by Bob Murphy...

    • Guest
      Jul 3, 2024

      I hope it's a not a big deal for HCL to add some optional parameter to allow for displaying the signator name or title above the signature canvas. However, it's truly necessary for our application users.