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Lotusscript interface to manipulate the tabs, workspace and bookmarks.
* Get back all workspace tabs
* Get databases per Tab
* Add / remove tab
* Change name and color of tab
* Check if icon exist
* Check if icon exist on specific server
* Remove icon
* Remove icon pointing to specific server
* Add icon to a specific server and option to decide tab
Adding, changing and removing workspace icons should be scriptable
If the server or database is missing, then can to display a message to the user about it and propose to delete the icon, or delete it automatically. But if the database is not found in the cluster, the icon will be removed, and we will not remember what database it was. Therefore, nothing needs to be changed here.
Yes it's easy to remove an icon from the workspace but a user would not know which of the many icons he has collected over time on his workspace is actually obsolete.
The process of deleting an NSF from the server should automatically delete (or update?) the icon on the users workspace even without any end user interaction. Currently the admin can create a database redirect link on the server but in order to apply change to the client an end user still has to access the database at least once. That function no longer works when the server has been renamed or decommissioned.
I don’t understand, any user can easily remove an icon from the workspace.
If you talk about removing/updating icons centrally on user’s workspace, than please elaborate and be more precise.