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Ah okay. Thank you very much!
HCL support told me it is not possible (CS0337011), so I wrote this idea. :-)
Indeed, the client uses an alternative port one configured in the connection document when keeping the following pitfalls in mind:
Changing the IP and/or port of the server using the "Client reconfiguration wizard" obviously does not change existing connection documents. You have to change it directly in the connection documents.
As long as the "old" connection is still working (because we are configuring an ADDITIONAL way to connect to the server here), Notes will still use this way to connect even if the connection document already contains the new connection. Only when it cannot connect to the "last known address" anymore, Notes reconsiders the connection documents.
I am still struggling to get the server to listen on an additional port like you described. But as I already told, this is no great problem because we may use firewall port mapping.
BTW: Is there an *easy* way to clear the cached "last known address" in the Notes Client without writing agents or so?
You can already do this.
you can define an ADDITIONAL port by adding the port number in the Network address field.
To connect your client to this port, you will need to setup connection documents that also specifiy the port number