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Viewing this as a needed feature from the Sametime admin client. We are developing an enhanced search option from the chat client (for personal chat history) and once that is in place, we can expand on this feature for admin use (for all user chat history).
The only reason why you would and should need access to the chat history, is to investigate an user and his/her behavior in the chats. What we need is to filter on user and maybe on certain words.
This access to the chat history must be restricted to only users with an AUDIT role.
We are looking into options for our customers. Could you provide more details on how you expect this to work? Could a text index on the chat database meet the requirements (searchable from our admin interface)? Any other requirements? Perhaps you can show some screenshots on how the previous tool used to work?
Better than nothing...
1. On the ST Community server, open MongoDB Compass.
2. Click on the Recents, localhost entry to populate the connection string. Then click the Connect button.
3. Click the Chatlogging database.
4. Click the EVENTS collection.
5. To find all chats with a given user and show the most recent first, add Filter, eg.{"PersistentSessionId" : {$regex : "user's name"}} and Sort {TimeStamp: -1}. Click the Find button.
6. Hover the mouse over the beginning of the ChatText field. The full message pops up.
Thanks for letting us know. We are looking into options for Sametime v11 and beyond as it relates to archiving and Compliance solutions. This is definitely on our immediate roadmap. We'll keep you posted on our decisions. I am going to officially promote this idea to a feature for our internal tracking as well.