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Ok, thank you for this explanation
Hello Thomas,
Sorry, for late reply didn't get any info at all that there was an entry about this.
e.g.: if I have to check archiving problems, then I have to open both mail cluster servers and the archive server.
Or if I need to check replication issues, I also need to open usually two servers and if it is to our daughter company abroad, then even three servers.
It is easier to open them in parallel and you don't have to switch again and again and wait until all the files are read in.
From the feeling it would make my work easier.
Regarding ADMIN-I-70 (Guest)
Then you would also be able to access more server consoles via this admin client tabs. Although I find consoleEZ really great, because you have several servers at a glance (monitoring) and can also filter on error messages. Ytria is unfortunately very expensive.
best regards
See https://domino-ideas.hcltechsw.com/ideas/ADMIN-I-70
Nice idea. May I ask what common tasks you are performing that are being done across multiple servers?