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We need a tool to analyze NSD files

As you may know, there is a tool called LND (Lotus Notes Diagnostics) to process NSD files for Domino up to v9.0.1:

Unfortunately, last version was released 10 (!!!) years ago , contains obsolete recommendations and does not support Domino v10 or v11 NSD files.

Of course, there is a workaround - how to get it working - you need to manually change Domino version in NSD from 11 or 10 to 9.0.1.

Please provide admins a new tool to analyze NSD files. This will reduce HCL Support load and help admins to solve problems on their own.

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    • Guest
      Jul 4, 2024

      There is the fault analyzer in Domino which works on collected client and server NSDs providing some, not all information LND had.

      LND was an IBM support esset, which was mainly intended for support with support database search integration.
      Some of it was helpful for customers and partners.

      The most important part to pinpoint problems is the collection of relevant data and providing this data to HCL support or a business partner with special troubleshootign skills.

      No tool in the world can replace that. Not even AI .. But it would be worth a try ind training ... (that's a different story).

      Filtering the data after "thinking" someone has found the root cause, is one of the biggest issue when trying to troubleshoot a problem as a senior troubleshooter.

      IMHO Domino has a lot of great troubleshooting information. Most information is collected for you.
      But IMHO the information in NSD and memcheck was never really intended for customers to look into on their own.
      It's mainly intended for senior support and development to look into.

      I would more focus on collecting the right information and enable the fault analyzer, which helps you to get an idea what the problem could be.

      If an admin can't read NSDs without tools, it is quite unlikely the admin (or developer) can do root cause analysis with a tool like LND. I am in the Notes/Domino troubleshooting business since over 20 years and I can tell a tool will not really help you.

      Enabling fault recovery and diagnostic collection should be a must for every Domino environment.
      Same as not disabling debug ThreadID which is on by default for good reason for troubleshooting.

      Some settings will always need to be added like memory trap leaking, semaphore debugging etc.
      But with diagnostics (enabled in server documents) admins are well preparated for first crash data capture.

      [ Daniel Nashed / ]

    • Guest
      Sep 26, 2023

      It will be good if the server crash or malfunctions generate a report for the further reference with out any dependence on any Parameters

      currently we have to enable the parameters to and collect data and Waite for the server to crash again . HCL Team will recommend to disable the parameters because it will slow down the server performance

    • Guest
      Sep 5, 2023

      Yes, please

    • Guest
      Mar 24, 2023

      It's not good enough to merely analyze NSDs. Often (very often) the NSD does not contain enough information to determine the cause of the crash or hang or malfunction, especially when these occur seemingly at random. HCL really needs automatic tracing to monitor every dependencies on the platform even before there is a crash, hang or malfunction. We don't lose customers because we can't analyze the NSDs. We lose customers because HCL Support's NSD analysis finds no root cause so the crash, hang or malfunction continues to happen with no plan for remedy. See DDXP-I-1015.

    • Guest
      Sep 28, 2021


    • Guest
      Nov 27, 2020

      This is much needed.

    • Guest
      Nov 5, 2020

      Yes! Please!

    5 MERGED

    Tracing functionality in Notes Designer, Notes Client and Administrator Client (All Client) for Crash issue

    The tracing functionality will detect when it crashes and what crashes in the Designer Code and what was violated in the code for investigation purposes.
    over 2 years ago in Domino 2 Assessment
    26 MERGED

    Admin Tool to Analyse the Memory Dump files.

    There is no tool available for analysing the Memory Dump files generated in Domino Environment., Please provide admins tool to for analysing the Memory Dump files. This will help admins to analyse the memory Dumps files.
    about 4 years ago in Domino / Administration 0 Assessment