As years go by, a once active Notes full client user may have moved from a client to a browser only. With that said, the user's Notes Certificate remains in their person document, and an Admin has no real way of knowing this if a rename is requested by way of O or OU change. So during a restructuring, we can find that a large number of users may have their rename 'stuck' while waiting for a client access to take place to move the Adminp process along. Currently, there is no facility to make these users easily identifiable. The only thing close, outside of perhaps purchasing and running the Panagenda tool, is to inspect the user's person document and see if their last known client machine included an old version of Notes was nowhere near current, then opening their mail files to see if the mailer in use on a send message was Notes OR look at the outbound SMTP gateway to see what the mailer was. This is not efficient. There are two parts to this request:
1) Update the process in which the values of "Notes client machine" , "Notes client build" are logged. Instead of having an 'Updated at' which is useless for the need above, perhaps call that the 'Last logged in date'. Or in the least, if that's too frequent for person doc delta changes and replication, at least force it to update monthly. In addition, these fields maintain values from old installs and hardware. Its rather useless detail
2) Streamline Adminp so that it can complete more portions of the rename process. If we're just trying to update the ID with the new Cert from the rename, make that a secondary thread as to not interfere with Groups, Display, ACLs, etc and let those change.
Indeed I always wondered why such a frequent admin action may lead to such uncertainty. Safe for that, I find renaming users quite straightforward, despite of the complexity behind, but that issue always makes me feel unsafe for the operation, and cost much work time. Thank you for considering.
Can you please split up the ideas you are submitting in a way that each idea is created as a standalone idea?
One option to complete the rename process for web users is to send an encrypted email. This will trigger the NotesID to be accessed and will apply name changes waiting in admin4