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Notes client already supports the Failback mechanism. Once the server failed to another server and after sometime if the primary server gets up, then Notes client on default interval checks for if the primary server up or not. If the primary server up, it tries to switch to it. This checks mainly happens on the NEW mail polling,
I thought that the "Failover_Silent=1" client notes.ini parameter (as applied manually or by a Desktop Policy Settings document) might be some help for mail files, but apparently not. I also wondered about using "server_availability_threshold=??" to encourage a failback, but in a situation where you have larger cluster spread across multiple major sites, this is too simplistic eg, server 1 & 2 in site A and server 3 & 4 in site B > server 1 goes down and users are failed over to eg. server 3 - what can be used to fail users back to their primary server (there may be more functionality available for a mail file, because there are home servers configured)?
Keith Belgrave, Intec Systems
Yes, we need the "failback" function. There should be a database property, which indicates, that this replica of the database is the "master" replica, so if "server A" is back again - Notes should switch back. Maybe this setting should be a number field, so the admin can set the desired priority, even over several replicas.