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160 VOTE
Status Shipped
Workspace Notes
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 17, 2018

Allow easier use of multiple eMail addresses/accounts

In Outlook, it's relatively easy to send and receive email as different users.  In Notes, you can fudge this with Location documents, but location docs are rarely used these days by users, so this is awkward for them and requires additional, manual setup by a Notes admin or super-user.

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Dec 12, 2022

    unfortunately it runs only with mail-in database and it doesn't work with user's Mail!

    the idea was:

    Allow easier use of multiple eMail addresses for user

  • Guest
    Dec 12, 2022

    This was shipped in Notes 12.0.0 !!!!

    it runs only with mail-in database and it doesn't work with user's Mail!

  • Admin
  • Guest
    Nov 24, 2022

    Sending mail from aliases works in Notes 12.

  • Guest
    Sep 16, 2021

    Been using locataion documents for years to do this, but often forget to switch back to my default. So I end up sending weird reply-to addresses to others.

    Would be good to have, as Mos suggested, a list of allowed addresses in the users person document (ie in control of admins).

    Pick list appears next to the From field.

  • Guest
    Aug 28, 2020

    Additionally the expectations is that this change will work in:

    1. Notes client using an ID

    2. Verse (iNotes as long as it exists)

    3. Traveler and Verse Mobile App

    4. SMTP clients (allow using different senders for the authenticated user)

  • Guest
    Oct 31, 2019

    It would be really handy, if one could set up a list of allowed email addresses in the users person document in NAB like:




    When composing an email there should be a default address. Switching should be done through a button at the top of the form. Each email address should have its own signature(!).


    When replying to an email, it should automatically choose the right address and signature.


    I am currently building such an extension to the mail template for a customer. The concept I have written in 2003....



  • Guest
    Dec 11, 2018

    I have to switch IDs all the time as I work for different organizations.  The client seems to choke on this.  Just really flaky.  I think we don't need new functionality for this; we just need to fix the existing functionality.

  • Guest
    Oct 20, 2018

    Saying you can "fudge this with Location documents" is being kind.  Anyone with a basic understanding of the Notes client understands why using location documents is not a viable work-around.  The analogy I would use is it's like telling someone "driving your car on rims is a work-around for having tires."  Yes, you can do it but it is ugly and no one would put up with the associated limitations and failings..

    Notes does support a number of standard mail protocols and you can create and manage accounts where you provide the Notes client with e-mail authentication detail and protocol and then the Notes client will replicate mail by accessing a given mail server (POPx, smtp, imap, etc.).

    It is very easy to configure a Notes client to replicate and support multiple e-mail servers (and multiple inbound e-mail addresses/accounts) although it seems like this doesn't receive much attention.

    Where Notes fails is in allowing the sending of e-mail messages within this context (meaning from the e-mail address you choose rather than the e-mail address associated with the current location document and mail db).  Outlook handles this surprisingly well.  Notes should, too.

    Additionally, Notes should allow a user to choose from signature options or automatically select a signature based upon the "current account context" (meaning when you work with a given e-mail account in your mail db that isn't your specific Notes e-mail account address).  Outlook "tracks" this context simply based upon the currently selected "server and folder."  I am sure a more elegant and sophisticated set of options could be implemented within the Notes client to support the current accounts option to replicate from additional/alternate mail servers.

  • Guest
    Jul 20, 2018

    Different lokations will Workaround thi issue...


Add the ability to add multiple internet accounts easily like Outlook. (Gmail, etc)

As much as we are a Domino evangelist, the ability to add multiple email accounts to Notes is kludgy and clumsy at best. This is the main complaint we get from our customers is that they don't have the ability to go between email accounts easily. ...
over 6 years ago in Notes 1 Shipped