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Overcome the first challenge by using "EditGoToField" so that the focus is always on the field containing the attachment.
However, challenge 2 is still there. The original file name is not getting removed as shown in screenshot.
Thanks for sharing the sample code. Used "D" drive and accordingly made code modifications.
I tried it but faced the below challenges.
There are other fields before impacted attachment field in the document. While executing the code, the document opens in edit mode and focuses on another field that comes before the attachment-related field. Hence, an error appears.
Perform modifications and ensure the document either has the first field as an attachment field or there is only an attachment field in the document. Executed the code but found that the document opens in edit mode and the rich text field now has old as well as renamed files present in the field. Tried playing with parameters passed in "EditInsertFileAttachment @Command" but had no success.
This would be very useful if it were a fixed part of the notes client.
It would also work via a toolbar icon with the following formula.
But it is not so easy for the user to set it up.
vAttachList := @AttachmentNames;
vStop := @If(@Attachments=0;"1";"0");
@Do(vSourceName:=@If(@Attachments>1; @Prompt([OkCancelList];"Choose File";"Please choose file";"";vAttachList);vAttachList);
vNewName:=@Prompt([OkCancelEdit];"New Filename";"Please type in new file name";vSourceName);
@Command([EditDocument]; "1");
@Command([EditDetach];vSourceName; "C:\\Temp\\" + vNewName);
@Command([EditInsertFileAttachment]; "C:\\Temp\\" + vNewName;"1";"0";"0";"1"));
@Prompt([Ok];"Action - File rename - cancelled!";"The document does not contain any attachments!"))
This would be very helpful.
The customer users are asking regularly why it is not possible to rename the attachments. It seems a very easy step.
Also, it will be much better if all attachments show on top of the mail body. Like several replayed mail make attachment goes to the end of the mail body.