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Read Unread marks behaviour in notes and outlook

Unread Marks handled in notes per user basis however in Outlook it is valid for the whole "database" level.
For example: A user that is used to work with Outlook and the way Outlook / Exchange handle unread-marks. Meaning: Unread-Marks are not per user (as in default Notes) but are valid for the whole "database".

Meaning: If User A accessing a mailbox reads a message User B who also has access to the same mailbox will also see the message as being read (without User B actually having to read the mail).

However with notes if User A reads an email with any other mail box for he has access and the same email for user B still showing as unread in that mail box.

Please change read unread mark behaviour with notes domino (from per user to Database level) as work in outlook. Thanks

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    • Guest
      Apr 19, 2021

      It is so helpfull if you have an assistant who helps you with all emails where you do not have to take a decision. Outlook is much better in this aspect.

    • Guest
      Apr 15, 2021

      Conceptually speaking:

      If you have 'read' a document, it does not mean that I have read it.

      >> I would agree that this is working as designed and is OK for most use-cases.

      But in some cases users would prefer a different (Outlook-Style) unread mark handling (on per database level)

      A pitty that this is not being considered :(

    • Admin
      Thomas Hampel
      Apr 15, 2021

      Conceptually speaking:
      If you have 'read' a document, it does not mean that I have read it.