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HCL Domino Ideas Portal

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Maildatabase - Pull Information Last Name Information from Domino Directory for Display Names Option "Last, first"

After setting the "Display names in mail in this format" to "Last, first" (see the attached screenshot), the names in the "Who" column for email senders with multiple last names are often displayed incorrectly. For instance, a sender with the first name "Tobias" and last name "Schmitt Müller" will be displayed as "Müller, Tobias Schmitt" which is incorrect. The correct display should be "Schmitt Müller, Tobias".

Therefore, HCL Notes users would prefer that the last name information of the internal users be pulled from the Domino Directory to ensure names with multiple last names are displayed correctly, as described in the use case above.

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    • Guest
      Oct 22, 2024

      This is also the case with Mail-In documents. Mail-in name "International Sales Manager" will be displayed as "Manager, International Sales". Leave Mail-in as it is please and handle the format using the corresponding fields in Person- and Mailin documents.